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Please provide the correct relative/absolute path in KeystorePath and PasswordPath fields in the configuration file. The KeystorePath field should have file with .key extension.

Variable Description

Attestation Node Config

The config.toml file in the repository contains various fields that should be configured in order to run various CLI commands.

  • EthereumRPCURL: Ethereum mainnet RPC endpoint for mainnet, and Holesky RPC endpoint for testnet.

  • L1RPCEndpoint: Ethereum mainnet RPC endpoint for both mainnet and Holesky testnet.

  • BeaconURL: Beacon mainnet RPC endpoint for both mainnet and Holesky testnet.

  • L2RPCEndpoint: Rollup (Optimism or Base or Arbitrum) chain's mainnet RPC endpoint for both mainnet and Holesky testnet.

  • BLSCurve: Currently, we only support BN254 curve.

  • ConcurrentFetchers: This parameter can be used to control the number of parallel fetchers that are responsible to fetch a block. Default value is 8.

  • SignerServerURL: This is the gRPC server URL for signer for secure key management.

  • OperatorAddress: EigenLayer operator address

  • OperatorKeyAccountID: Account ID provided for storing EigenLayer operator ECDSA key in the signer

  • SignerKeyAccountID: Account ID provided for storing Lagrange specific ECDSA key in the signer

  • BLSKeyAccountID: Account ID provided for storing BLS (BN254) key in the signer

  • MetricsServiceName = The service name used for the metrics. Default is lagrange-node.

  • PrometheusRetentionTime = Retention time for Prometheus metrics data. Default is 60s.

  • MetricsServerPort: The port on which Prometheus metrics of the attestation node docker container are exposed.

  • HostBindingPort: The port to bind the MetricsServerPort with the host machine.

  • CACertPath: The path of self signed certificate for the certificate authority (CA) to enable TLS for gRPC communication of the attestation node.

  • NodeKeyPath: A new RSA private key for server

  • NodeCertPath: A certificate signing request (CSR) for the server

  • OperatorKeystorePath = EigenLayer operator keystore file path (Deprecated from v1.1.x of CLI)

  • OperatorKeystorePasswordPath = EigenLayer operator keystore password file path (Deprecated from v1.1.x of CLI)

  • SignerECDSAKeystorePath = ECDSA signer keystore file path (Deprecated from v1.1.x of CLI)

  • SignerECDSAKeystorePasswordPath = ECDSA signer keystore password file path (Deprecated from v1.1.x of CLI)

  • BLSKeystorePath = BLS keystore file path (Deprecated from v1.1.x of CLI)

  • BLSKeystorePasswordPath = BLS keystore password file path (Deprecated from v1.1.x of CLI)

Signer Config

The config_signer.toml file in the repository contains various fields that should be configured in order to run the signer.

  • AccountID: Account ID for setting up signer for your keys. The operator can choose the account id of their choice.

  • KeyType: BN254 or ECDSA

  • PrivateKeyPath: File path for the ECDSA or BLS private key with extension .key

  • PasswordKeyPath: Password file for the private key

Mainnet Config


Holesky Config
