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Example: NFT Mint Whitelist on L2 with Pudgy Penguins

Implement an NFT mint whitelist on L2s like Base and Fraxtal using the Pudgy Penguins contract from Ethereum.


Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to implement one of the many use cases of Lagrange's ZK Coprocessor: a whitelisting mechanism for minting NFTs on L2s using verifiable queries of Pudgy Penguins holders on Ethereum.

This guide will cover the L2 -> L1 SELECT query capability of Testnet Themis for the ZK Coprocessor.

We will leverage L2s' cheap transactions and Ethereum's rich state to enable Pudgy Penguins holders to mint a new NFT collection, Layered Penguins. Our ZK Coprocessor gives you a powerful tool to simplify the whitelisting process, which traditionally involves trusted, off-chain logic like Merkle proofs.


To follow this tutorial, you should have:

  1. A basic understanding of Solidity and smart contract development.

  2. Familiarity with Ethereum and the ERC721 standard.

  3. A local repo setup with Foundry.

  4. Installation of the ZK Coprocessor Solidity SDK.

High Level Concept

The ZK Coprocessor enables you to leverage the state of Ethereum's mainnet (Layer 1) to verify ownership of NFTs while executing transactions on a faster and cheaper Layer 2, like Fraxtal or Base. This approach reduces complexity significantly by obviating the need for Merkle Proofs or trusted Oracles.

Detailed Walkthrough

Contract Explanation

The LayeredPenguins contract integrates with the LPNRegistryV1 contract on supported L2s to submit a query to Lagrange's proving network to check ownership of Pudgy Penguins NFTs before minting. It implements LPNClientV1 to receive the verified query result and subsequently mint the user a LayeredPenguin NFT.

The SELECT_PUDGY_PENGUINS_QUERY_HASH comes from the query registration phase on the UI dashboard after successfully submitting your query. The process generates a unique query hash necessary for the contract.

   bytes32 public constant SELECT_PUDGY_PENGUINS_QUERY_HASH =

Key Functions


This payable function allows users to initiate a mint request. It calls queryPudgyPenguins() to check if the caller owns a Pudgy Penguin NFT and records the user's address so we can mint an NFT for them in the callback. The user must pay 0.00015 ETH to cover the gas fee of onchain proof verification + the execution of the processCallback function.

function requestMint() external payable {
uint256 requestId = queryPudgyPenguins();
mintRequests[requestId] = MintRequest({sender: msg.sender});


This function initiates the query of the Pudgy Penguins contract by calling LPNRegistryV1.request() to verify ownership based on the user's address. It queries the most recent block on Ethereum, which is provided by an OP Stack precompile.

function queryPudgyPenguins() private returns (uint256) {
bytes32[] memory placeholders = new bytes32[](1);
placeholders[0] = bytes32(bytes20(msg.sender));

return lpnRegistry.request{value: lpnRegistry.gasFee()}(


Upon receiving the callback, this function checks if the query result contains 1 or more Pudgy Penguin token ids. If true, it mints a LayeredPenguin NFT to the user's wallet.

 function processCallback(uint256 requestId, QueryOutput memory result)
MintRequest memory req = mintRequests[requestId];

for (uint256 i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
Row memory row = abi.decode(result.rows[i], (Row));

if (ownerOf(row.tokenId) == address(0)) {
_mint(req.sender, row.tokenId);

delete mintRequests[requestId];

Integration Points

Integrate the LayeredPenguins contract into your application by:

  1. Deploying the contract to Base.

  2. Calling the requestMint() function from your frontend

Setup Instructions

Deploying and setting up the contract involves several steps:

  1. Compile the LayeredPenguins contract with forge build

  2. Deploy to OP Stack L2s with forge script

  3. Configure the contract address in your dApp to interact with LayeredPenguins

Security Considerations

Important: The ZK Coprocessor codebase is unaudited and is currently an alpha release. It is meant for experimentation purposes. Use it at your own risk.

Full Code Example

See other examples and source code in our GitHub repo.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.25;

import {LPNClientV1} from "lagrange-lpn-contracts/src/v1/client/LPNClientV1.sol";
import {ILPNRegistryV1} from "lagrange-lpn-contracts/src/v1/interfaces/ILPNRegistryV1.sol";
import {
} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import {L1BlockNumber} from "lagrange-lpn-contracts/src/utils/L1Block.sol";
import {QueryOutput} from "lagrange-lpn-contracts/src/v1/Groth16VerifierExtensions.sol";

/// @notice Refer to docs page
contract LayeredPenguins is LPNClientV1, ERC721Enumerable {
/// SELECT AVG(key) FROM pudgy_penguins_owners WHERE value = $1;
bytes32 public constant SELECT_PUDGY_PENGUINS_QUERY_HASH =
string public constant PUDGY_METADATA_URI =

struct MintRequest {
address sender;

struct Row {
uint256 tokenId;

mapping(uint256 requestId => MintRequest request) public mintRequests;

constructor(ILPNRegistryV1 lpnRegistry_)
ERC721("Layered Penguins", "LPDGY")

function _baseURI() internal pure override returns (string memory) {

function requestMint() external payable {
uint256 requestId = queryPudgyPenguins();
mintRequests[requestId] = MintRequest({sender: msg.sender});

function queryPudgyPenguins() private returns (uint256) {
bytes32[] memory placeholders = new bytes32[](1);
placeholders[0] = bytes32(bytes20(msg.sender));

return lpnRegistry.request{value: lpnRegistry.gasFee()}(

function processCallback(uint256 requestId, QueryOutput memory result)
MintRequest memory req = mintRequests[requestId];

for (uint256 i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
Row memory row = abi.decode(result.rows[i], (Row));

if (ownerOf(row.tokenId) == address(0)) {
_mint(req.sender, row.tokenId);

delete mintRequests[requestId];

Congratulations! You've successfully implemented an NFT mint whitelist on L2s like Base and Fraxtal using the Pudgy Penguins contract from Ethereum.